Send Your Project

Personal details

(personal details will be used only for internal management of the project and won’t be published)

Mandatory fields (*)

Project details

(Please provide us with a a brief description of your work/s and/or your project? What is it about?)
(who is the author/who are the authors of the work and/or project?)
(Who is the person, association or other institution that edited the work/s and/or project?)
(which artistic discipline did you use? Can you provide us the technical specifications as well?)
(when did you realise the work/s and/or project?)
(how old were you when you realised the work/s and/or project?)
(where was the work/s and/or project created? Where did you stage it?)
(Which ideas and reflections brought you to realise the work/s and/or project? Can you share with us some events or experiences which happened during the conception or realisation of work/s and/or project?)
(would you like to be contacted for future collaborations, developments and exhibition of your work?)
(what person, association or other institution promoted and supported your work/s and/or project?)
(there are links for further informations about the project)
(what person, association or other institution promoted and supported your work/s and/or project?)

Allega una foto

(accettiamo solo jpg)


CONSENT TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA Taking note of that mentioned above, I expressly authorize the use and communication of my data, in the manner and for the purposes described above. Attention: if you don’t authorize the processing of your data, registration won’t be completed.